And More Learning...

 Welcome and thank you for joining today to read this post! In this post, we are going to discuss a little

 bit of the beginning of this journey, learning SEO, and a little bit of the current issue at hand.

 Also, the issue with traffic for the first eCommerce site idea and how SEO should help or how it is

 being learned but also who with. 

Took a break to type this out. Trying to keep you up to date with the journey!

So more learning! In my opinion, school sucks, learning those subjects is really just testing your

  memorization but this learning is something that wants to be learned. 

It is the knowledge that will be used daily! Because of that, all sails ahead!

Recently (past couple of days) been looking into making more eCommerce stores but on different (<---

multiple URLs)  platforms

Did some searching on Bing. Simple searches like more traffic to my website or more traffic to my

 Shopify eCommerce store because currently, Shopify is hosting my site.

When first started this a couple of years ago, the memory of learning SEO, at the time kept coming to


 Finally, it hit! SEO came up AGAIN and got the feeling of "duh dummy, that should be one of your

 main goals when looking for organic traffic".

Learned about SEO when first started and did some very intense research into the topic. It came up

almost immediately when the first site was published. 

This started years ago

Learned it then, why not now?

Learned a lot with the program and do recommend it, if you are just starting out

 because it is a GREAT program to learn basics from.

But in order to learn with them, you are required to pay a monthly fee which is completely

 understandable with the knowledge gained from it. 

After a few months of learning with them, something happened. Google indexed the page that was

 personally being worked on! It was the first and only page that was created on their platform but it was

 indexed in a very short time!

Knowing that... need to get back to learning. Currently, watching Ahrefs channel on YouTube

So far, awesome way of teaching with examples and well spoken!

So with all that being said, thank you again for reading and joining in on this journey! You are more

 than appreciated!



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