New Years!

 Hi, the new year is upon us and that can be an exciting time for some but in this post, you'll

 understand what has been going on with both custom and the new site that was just started! 

Custom Gear was and is a great start into online Entrepreneurship. Learning every day still, with both

 marketing and Shopify's updates keeps one on their toes. But with the experience of running an e-

commerce shop and seeing the potential of makings decided to buy another shop but have it already

 set up. It is neither a niche nor sub-niche shop which is what custom gear is being thought of turning

 it to. 

Still up, almost 24 hours working on the new store. Luckily it was bought and already all the products

 were already equipped in it. Now just needs some fine-tuning but again it is not a niche site yet. So will

 post again, soon and often just to keep you up to date on things!

Until then, just working and a** off on these ecommerce shops trying to get them set up and active.

 Also, get them known around the internet. Thank you for tuning in to read this post and HAPPY NEW



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