
Showing posts from December, 2022

New Years!

 Hi, the new year is upon us and that can be an exciting time for some but in this post, you'll  understand what has been going on with both custom and the new site that was just started!  Custom Gear was and is a great start into online Entrepreneurship . Learning every day still, with both  marketing and Shopify 's updates keeps one on their toes. But with the experience of running an e- commerce shop and seeing the potential of makings decided to buy another shop but have it already  set up. It is neither a niche nor sub-niche shop which is what custom gear is being thought of turning  it to.  Still up, almost 24 hours working on the new store . Luckily it was bought and already all the products  were already equipped in it. Now just needs some fine-tuning but again it is not a niche site yet. So will  post again, soon and often just to keep you up to date on things! Until then, just working and a** off on these ecommerce   shops trying to get them set up and active.

More time than expected...

 Hey! Thank you for joining in this post, this post is going to talk about time. How much time has  actually been put into this "project". Also talk about other things that have been effected because of this  "project". How much time it is "said" to have taken but then again how much time it really has taken. So again a  HUGE thank you for reading! On YouTube and various social media platforms, you have those few that talk about how they make  everything so easily and quickly.  The truth, is they are not telling the truth. This takes time and dedication. Relationships suffer because  of this and how much time this really consumes. But believe success is right around the corner! Never give in!

And More Learning...

 Welcome and thank you for joining today to read this post! In this post, we are going to discuss a little  bit of the beginning of this journey, learning SEO, and a little bit of the current issue at hand.  Also, the issue with traffic for the first eCommerce site  idea and how SEO should help or how it is  being learned but also who with.  Took a break to type this out. Trying to keep you up to date with the journey! So more learning! In my opinion, school sucks , learning those subjects is really just testing your   memorization but this learning is something that wants to be learned.  It is the knowledge that will be used daily! Because of that, all sails ahead! Recently (past couple of days) been looking into making more eCommerce stores but on di ff er en t (<--- multiple URLs)   platforms .  Did some searching on Bing . Simple searches like more traffic to my website or more traffic to my  Shopify eCommerce store  because currently, Shopify is hosting my site. When first s

Meta.... Facebook, whatever you want to call it

 Hello and thank you for reading this post. Today I am going to talk about linking or Meta or formerly known as Facebook.  Facebook marketplace is ranked the 10th most popular marketplace on the internet in the United  States. Which is really surprising because almost everyone and their mother face a profile on  Facebook. Their marketplace has strict rules. Seems that when you mess up the first time, it is almost  impossible to get accepted again. Now understand, this is MY opinion but having a past with  marketplace does NOT help either. Explanation on the will be in another blog but that will come. You need to understand that everything takes time. When your team loses hope and opts out so it is  only one individual, ALOT of time.  Anyways, when first got started it was immediatly linked with Facebook  marketplace.  Within the first week, sales were made almost immediatly!  But then, Facebook shut down customgear because originally adult toys were for