

 Hey there, I would like to thank you for reading this. This blog is going to be about

 the journey of starting an eCommerce shop and the "business model" of drop


Regretfully I didn't start this blog at the beginning of this which is highly

 recommended for anyone starting something online. I am going to be telling you

 about when I started a shop on Shopify.

Once I have you all caught up then every night, I plan to write a post on here often.

Keeping you up to date with what is going on. I have started other blogs but took a

 "break" from them and never really go back. But I'll do my best with this blog!

    Figured a great way to make money online would be by opening an eCommerce

 shop after so many attempts with many other things. Started looking into it and

 came up that Shopify would be the best bet for starting out. The platform has

 many good qualities about them. One of them is that they have an integration

 process with many other platforms. 

Which opens up many other sales channels and opportunities!

Also, they have support available 24/7 which is VERY helpful for someone who is

 going at this kind of blind.

  Shopify has a VERY affordable option to start with, especially being on a

 limited budget. 

It is highly recommended on taking a few courses before starting this. The reason

 for that is I didn't and am highly regretting it.  

When I first opened the shop, a developer randomly got a hold of me and offered

 to develop custom gear. 

Let him know that I did NOT have funds available to pay him but he was very


Thought ok but eventually there is going to be something he wanted so why not?

 Also had a few who were interested in joining in on this "business venture". 

Well after a little success and now nothing everybody decided to walk out. 

But still remaining hopeful, I'm still here trying every day, all day. 

Try so hard, every day sitting in front of this computer and working on Custom

Gear that it is starting to take a toll on my relationships, health, and everything

 else involved in life. 

To get something amazing, one must sacrifice, right?

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