Beginning Shopify

Beginning Shopify

    This post is about starting Shopify and immediately what happened afterward. I would like to thank you for reading this and hope that before you start your Shopify journey, maybe you'll learn something...

    Started Shopify two months ago and did NOT watch courses before except for years ago. So went at it with a "blind eye".  When I signed up for it and entered the platform and was immediately overwhelmed with what to do. Tinkered around a little bit but not much so found some free courses to get a basic set up going. 

    Shopify itself has courses that are available on YouTube but didn't learn that for the first couple of weeks. The platform does send you emails which tell you what is going on so make sure if you start working with Shopify that you read their emails and take their courses!

    Something very odd happened, the third day of having a Shopify store and a developer emailed me about my site. He offered to help design it and make it look appealing to potential customers which I agreed to that he could do such a thing. I then gave him my login credentials and maintained watch over what was happening for the next two weeks.

    We did have a discussion beforehand about what the goal was of the Shopify store. Told him about drop shipping which he was very aware of. Knowing that, he created a somewhat niche site (A niche site is a website that focuses on a very specific subset of a broader market with the purpose of monetizing its traffic. Niche sites usually generate revenue through through ads, affiliate marketing, or digital products like online courses, private communities, or ebooks.)"From Google" for me. 
    But I have a BIGGER plan in mind than just a niche site, so I messed up the niche site and started adding multiple types of products. (Not smart because I could have marketed that site and started gaining funds to continue with my plan.) 

    I started adding not niche products but all kinds of products as that being a part of my plan. The developer saw that and quit. So I had a store made, products added and while he was creating it, I learned more of drop shipping. 

    That is what happened at the very beginningof my Shopify journey.  


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