
Showing posts from January, 2023

Watches today

     Hey, thank you for clicking this page and joining in on this journey . It has been long and very  angering but if it was easy, everybody would be doing it right?  Todays topic is going to be about watches because this was going to be our "niche" but found other  products interesting.  Custom Gear was/is definitely a trial in ecommerce. But doing this, personally needed to know if the  products that are advertised on Custom Gear are good quality.  So when things started leveling out, decided to buy a watch .  It was fairly quick shipping, it arrived unbroken  and was tightly packaged. All good news for  Custom showing that packaging and handling are  taken care of.  Opened the box and , excuse my language, GOD DAMN! It  was a little thick but it looked so nice!  Very durable and you can wear it anywhere with anything! After that purchase, thinking going to start buying every  product before displaying it and taking all the  time to put my head to creating all the requi